Security Advisory

toutou is committed to maintaining best Privacy and Security Practices and Policies to create, as far as possible, a secure Internet gaming environment for our customers. We encourage our customers to similarly observe best practices that are within their control.

How to protect yourself from being phished

  1. Never respond to emails that request for personal information/change of password

    Phishers often include false and sensational messages (such as "urgent - your account details may have been stolen") in order to get an immediate reaction from user. toutou does not ask customers for passwords or account details in an email. Even if you think the email may be legitimate, do not respond - contact our Customer Service for verification or visit toutou website for such announcement/notices.

  2. Visit toutou websites by typing the URL into the address bar

    If you wish to access a website belonging to toutou, always personally and directly enter the relevant website address in the browser address bar. Do not login via any hyperlink within emails.

    Phishers often use links within emails to direct their victims to a spoofed site, usually to a similar address instead of When clicked on, the URL shown in the address bar may look genuine, but there are several ways it can be faked, taking you to the spoofed site. If you suspect an email that is false, do not follow any links embedded within it. Call Customer Service for verification. Always double check on the browser's Address bar contains our toutou valid websites.

  3. Keep a regular check on your toutou account

    Log in to your toutou account and check your banking amount regularly.

    If you suspect that your account has been accessed by unauthorized persons, please change your Password immediately and inform our Customer Service immediately. Check your transaction and banking amount. Should there be any suspicious transactions or errors, notify us immediately.

  4. Check that the website you are visiting is secure

    Before placing any bet or making any banking transaction on toutou websites, ensure that the website you are visiting is on a secure server which uses encryption to protect your personal data and transactions over the Internet.

    Note that the fact that the website is using encryption doesn't necessarily mean that the website is legitimate. It only tells you that data is being sent in encrypted form.

  5. Always report suspicious activity

    If you receive an email you suspect isn't genuine or encounter any fraudulent websites passing off as toutou websites, please notify us immediately by calling our Customer Service or forward it to us

Additional Tips on Safeguarding Your Personal Data and Account Information

  1. Be cautious with emails

    Avoid opening or replying to spam emails as this will give the sender confirmation they have reached a real email address. Use common sense when reading emails. If something seems implausible or too good to be true, then it probably is. Be cautious about opening attachments and downloading files from emails, no matter who they are from.

  2. Be cautious with your personal data

    You are responsible for keeping your online Password confidential. Never let anyone knows your PINs or passwords, do not write them down, and do not use the same password for all your online accounts.

  3. Keep your computer secure

    Some phishing emails or other spam may contain software that can record information on your internet activities (spyware) or open a 'backdoor' to allow hackers access to your computer (Trojans). Installing anti-virus software and keeping it up to date will help detect and disable malicious software, while using anti-spam software will stop phishing emails from reaching you.

    It is also important, particularly for users with a broadband connection, to install a firewall. This will help keep the information on your computer secure while blocking communication from unwanted sources.

  4. Remember To Log Out and Lock Your Windows Desktop

    Always remember to logout of your toutou login session when you have completed your transactions. Do not leave your computer unattended. If you need to leave your computer even for one minute, always lock your Windows desktop using Ctrl-Alt-Del method.

  5. Clear Your Browser's Cache

    Web pages that you have viewed from the Internet can reside on a computer as 'cache' files. These 'cache' files can retain images of data sent or received over the Internet, making them a potential target for a system intruder. Therefore, we strongly advise that you clear your browser's disk cache after each Internet session.

    Clearing Cache on Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
    • Click Start, select Settings and Control Panel.
    • Double-click Internet Options to open Internet Properties.
    • Click Delete Files.
      NOTE: Do not select Delete Cookies.
      Delete Cookies removes all the cookies stored on the computer.
    • Click OK on the Delete Files dialog box.
    • Click OK.
  1. Avoid Sharing Personal Computers (PCs)

    Avoid using shared PCs or public PCs such as those found in cyber cafes to play your games at toutou sites. If there is a need to do so, always satisfy yourself thoroughly that the PCs are free from viruses and be sure to clear the browser's cache upon completion of your games.

  2. Update Your Browsers and PC Operating System and software

    Make sure you keep up to date and download the latest security patches for your browser, PC operating system and other application software. If you don't have any patches installed, visit your browser's website, for example users of Internet Explorer should go to the Microsoft website.

    You should also ensure that your browsers, PC operating system and application software to support 128-bit SSL encryption or a higher encryption standard.

We strongly recommend that you observe the above best privacy and security practices at all times to ensure a smooth and worry-free egaming experience with toutou.